Maintenance of Certification (MOC)
Mandatory MOC Applications
All mandatory MOC (diplomates that were boarded in 2019) are due to the ACVO office by the ABVO/MOC online application submission form, found at the links below on this page, by 11:59pm (MST) December 31st, 2024. All of these applications will be reviewed by the MOC committee and graded and reported to the ABVO board by midnight MST, February 28th, 2025.The ABVO has until March 31st, 2025, MST to report either pass or fail of maintenance of certification to all mandatory applicants for the December 31st cycle. Notification will be issued to the email address provided in the application, please check your spam and clutter after this date.
Any failed mandatory applicants may reapply for Maintenance of Certification by 11:59pm (MST) June 30th, 2025. All applications will be reviewed by the MOC committee and graded and reported to the ABVO board by August 31, 2025, by midnight MST. The ABVO has until September 30th, 2025, MST to report either pass or fail of maintenance of certification to all mandatory applications for the June 30th cycle. Notification will be issued to the email address provided in the application
All Mandatory MOC candidates maintain diplomate status unless a letter is issued from the ABVO, stating that the applicant failed to maintain certification of diplomate status. If a letter is needed to affirm good standing, this may be requested from the ABVO office.
A reprieve of 60-90 days may be granted for mandatory applicants due to a for documented emergency that is received and confirmed with a reply within 30 days of the applications deadline. All communications must be made through, and may be copied to the if desired. No other form or routing of communication will be accepted.
Voluntary MOC Applications
Applications for voluntary applications (those boarded prior to 2015) are due via the ABVO/MOC online application submission form, found on the MOC page of the website, by 11:59pm (MST) June 30th, 2025. These may be submitted at any time between November 1st and this date.
*All voluntary applications will be reviewed after the June 30th deadline and a decision returned by August 1st.
Every 5 years, each DACVO boarded in 2015 or later, needs to earn at least 300 MOC credits. This is mandatory. ACVO Diplomates boarded prior to 2015 are encouraged to consider voluntarily applying.
One time in a five year cycle, a Diplomate may choose to register for, and review the online ACVO annual conference digital content, and receive full credit for Maintenance of Certification for that year. In order for the digital content to count toward MOC, intent must be established by purchasing a registration to access the video; access via the free ACVO member-benefit would not be acceptable. This fee would be the same as if registering in person, which may change from year to year. Registration for the online access must be paid no less than two weeks prior to the MOC submission date deadline. (For example, if MOC documents are due December 31st at 11:59pm MST, then the purchase of access must occur two full weeks prior to submission in order for the credits to count in this cycle. Access purchased within that two week timeline could not count.) Contact the ACVO office for details and the correct purchase link.
Diversity and Inclusion Certification at Purdue University
The MOC will allow six credits per hour for the Diversity and Inclusion certificate at Purdue University This online course is completed at your own pace.
Please note that these courses may or may not count toward licensing requirements of your state licensing board, you must contact them directly to make a determination.
If you are boarded after 2015 and fail to comply with MOC requirements, you will lose your DACVO board certification status and all attendant rights and privileges. Refer to the ABVO’s Policy & Procedures document for details (Section 6.00).
2025 MOC APPLICATION for Credits Earned in 2020 - 2024
Review the “Steps for Application & Submission” below. Those boarded in 2019, who haven’t already done so, must submit this cycle.
The MOC application spreadsheet is updated each year by the MOC committee, so please use the current Excel spreadsheet to enter your data for the 2025 application cycle (*If you are using an older spreadsheet to track your data, please copy and paste your information into the most recent spreadsheet. Failure to submit the most current MOC excel sheet will result in rejection of application and/or failure of MOC.):
Open and download the current ABVO MOC Excel application spreadsheet for MOC applications due December 31, 2024 for Mandatory Applicants and June 30, 2025 for Voluntary Applicants. (*Most current spreadsheet must be used for submission.)
Submit the MOC Application and Payment Form - Open November 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024 (11:59pm MST) for Mandatory Applicants and open November 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 (11:59pm MST) for Voluntary Applicants (Voluntary applications will be reviewed after the June 30th deadline). Applications must be submitted through this form.
Do not hesitate to email the chairs of the MOC Committee if you have any questions at