ABVO® Supervising Diplomates
(page last updated, 2.24.2025)
Please note that the Residency Policies & Procedures document is now located on the "ABVO Information" page, under "Organizational Documents & Credentialing Reports". Consult the P&P index to guide you to the appropriate section.
Critical Dates & Deadlines
Certification Process Flow Chart (Updated 11.2020)
Evaluations are to be conducted via an online system. Supervising Diplomates and ABVO Residents must submit forms through the online portal. If you are having difficulty signing into the portal, please contact the ABVO office. Relevant details will be posted on this prior to the January 5th due date. Questions may be directed to the Residency Committee.
Instructions for Google Sheets
Access the following forms directly:
1) RTP Supplemental Surgical Guide Categories (updated 11.6.19)
2) Please note below about Google Sheets.
All educational hours, clinical examinations performed, and surgeries performed are to be logged in a Google Sheet. A link should have been sent to you via the email currently listed with the ABVO at the beginning of your program. If you have not received a link, prefer to use a new email or alternative email address to link with this document, or have any other questions or concerns, please let the Residency Committee know. *The Google Sheet is to be maintained/updated online. It is very important to make sure you are updating the online version and not a downloaded version when using the Google Sheet. This allows members of the Residency Committee to view your sheet in its most updated form, particularly following submission of your required 6-month evaluations (see below). We do, however, recommend that you save a back-up copy of the sheet after each update for your records.
The Google Sheet comprises a General Program Information tab, a Cumulative Requirements Tab, and a tab for each 6-month period of your RTP. The Google Sheet is designed with auto-populate and auto-sum functionalities as an attempt to streamline data entry as well as tracking of your progress during your RTP. Make sure to fill out the General Program Information tab accurately as it will provide the information for auto-populated fields in other tabs. You each also have been assigned a Google Drive folder that includes your program’s application which outlines the specific attributes associated with your RTP. Note that any research requirements your program specifies are not under the ABVO’s purview and are managed specifically by your mentors.
Applications for Residency Training Programs (Universities & Clinics)
The updated Residency Training Program Application form is available below.
Download and complete this Word document (updated 07.27.22) and send it to the ABVO office . Complete RTP Applications from all institutions seeking to train residents, those wanting to create their first program and all seeking to add an additional program, must be submitted by AUGUST 15TH for consideration in the fall, or FEBRUARY 15TH for consideration in the spring. These are hard deadlines. Programs will not be considered on a rolling basis. It is the goal of the Residency Committee to review and approve/decline all RTP applications by October 1st and April 1st. A delay may occur if additional information is requested by the committee. Individual requests (last minute funding, etc.) may be considered on a case to case basis as long as existing programs are submitted 90 days before the start of the program and new programs are submitted 120 days before the start of the program. Please direct any questions to the Residency Committee.
Application for ECVO Diplomates to Acquire ABVO Supervising Diplomate Status
A Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ECVO) may be a candidate to serve as a Supervising Diplomate (SD) for an American Board of Veterinary Ophthalmology-approved Residency Training Program (RTP). All applications are considered on a case-by-case basis by the American Board of Veterinary Ophthalmology (ABVO) Residency Committee and Governing Board. ABVO residents trained by ECVO Diplomates may not be eligible to take the ECVO Board Examination. Please review and complete the Application for ECVO Diplomates to Acquire ABVO Supervising Diplomate Status and email the completed form and any relevant documents to the ABVO Office.
Applications for Prospective Residents
Please reference the Credentials Information page for more information. The Provisional Resident applications are handled by the ABVO Credentials Committee.
Program Supervision Changes and Information on Probation Suspension and Revocation of a Residency Training Program
Download this new document (approved 9.30.19)
Supervising Diplomates Residency Information Form
In order to facilitate timely tracking of Supervising Diplomates’ (Sup Dip) information for residents, the ABVO will require all Supervising Diplomates to submit the “Supervising Diplomate” form, beginning August 15th, 2017.
Supervising Diplomates are required to submit ABVO notification form when the following occur:
1) Becoming a Supervising Diplomate or External Participant for the first time, for each resident
2) After a time lapse, if changing or adding additional residents whom are overseen by that SD or EP
3) If exiting from a current residency program and will be replaced by another Supervising Diplomate
IMPORTANT! Before completing this form to remove your status as an SD or EP, you must submit the “Certifying Examination Supervising Diplomate Form" for credentials. This is available when signed in to your ABVO portal, located directly under the ‘Supervising Diplomate Forms’ tab. If this is not submitted through the portal first, you will lose all access to all SD forms on the portal and not be able to complete these for residents in the future.
Submission and confirmation received via the Supervising Diplomate form are the only official means of communication to the Residency Committee in this matter. Emails to the office and to the Residency about such changes will no longer be accepted.