Resident Resources
Current ABVO Resident Tools
ACVO Members’ ABVO Residents are provided with the following resources:
Complimentary Residents’ videos in online library system.
Reduced rate for ACVO Conferences.
($500 each resident, one time over 3 years) Receive a $500 reimbursement toward registration expenses incurred at the Basic Science Course or the ACVO Vision for Animals’ Foundation Phaco Course.
Complimentary access to online, interactive Histopathology rounds, twice per month
Resident copy of ACVO’s The View newsletter and “Did You Know?” series informational pieces.
Complimentary access to the Career Fair at the annual ACVO Conference.
Complimentary access to ABVO Resident ListServ, ACVO-Social ListServ, and VOPH ListServ/photo blog.
Resident’s Workshop at the ACVO Conference, with access to the video recording of this course via the ACVO online video library.
Complimentary online subscription to the journal of Veterinary Ophthalmology annually.
ACVO is currently developing other ACVO support programs.
Current Residents & Programs
ABVO® provides a complete list of residents, locations and completion years for all approved residents. Select this link to access the real-time list. Information is sorted by year, then click on the 'last name' to sort that year's residents in alphabetical order. (Note that 'pop-up' blockers need to be disabled.)
Approved residency programs without an assigned resident will not populate until the resident’s information is provided to ABVO®. Supervising Diplomates must submit the digital form provided by the Residency Committee via the email approval letter, after RTP approval.
This list updates regularly and self populates from the residency portal.
Evaluating a Residency Program
Current and Prospective Resident Mentors
This is a list of suggested questions for resident candidates to consider asking of prospective residency programs. These questions were formulated in an attempt to assist resident candidates in finding appropriate and well planned residency programs to suit their long term professional goals.
Questions for Prospective Residents to Consider Asking Prospective Mentors
1. What is the training record for this Residency Training Program (RTP)?
• How many residents has each participant mentor trained over how many years?
• How many of the residents trained have gone on to achieve ACVO Diplomate status?
• What is the mean number of attempts at the certification examination for final certification/Diplomate status of residents trained in this program?
• Can mentors provide prospective residents with names and contact information of individuals trained in this RTP?
• How many residents have not completed the RTP? Did the resident(s) quit or get fired?
2. What is the financial support for this RTP?
• What is the salary paid to the resident?
• Is there a financial incentive/revenue sharing plan for number of cases seen/revenue generated?
• Is there financial support for ACVO meeting attendance? For other professional development types of meetings?
• Is there financial support for the ACVO Basic Sciences course?
3. Additional Questions
Are there multiple practices that the resident will be working out of? As the RTP progresses, will the resident be expected to “run” a satellite clinic solo during their non-mentored time?
What are the expectations concerning after hours emergency call? How often? Mentor supported?
Are there any restrictive covenants concerning practice area, etc. following completion of the RTP?
Are there any contractual commitments concerning resident working for mentor’s practice following completion of the RTP?
How will species besides dog/cat be dealt with in order to meet needs for a well-rounded RTP?
How will mandatory pathology training be accomplished?
How will resident rounds and journal/literature review be accomplished?
How will library access be accomplished? Is the library on site? Does the mentor have subscriptions to all of the journals if the library is not on site? If the library is not on site, how often will the resident be able to spend time at the library?
Is there a project required during the RTP? A publication requirement? Graduate school requirement?
Was this program advertised or did you, the resident applicant, approach the program?
Consider reviewing the blank “program application” form in this website, in the residency section of the website (Residents: Residency Information: Residency Program Application).