Veterinary Ophthalmologists
2024 New Diplomates
Awarded in Savannah, GA, October 2024
Congratulations to the 29 new ACVO® Diplomates from the 2024 Examination! The 2024 New Diplomates’ biographies and thank you notes are available here.
Dr. Billie Beckwith-Cohen
Dr. Kourtney Dowler
Dr. Steven Hanes
Dr. Martha Julien
Dr. Danielle Micceri
Dr. Laison Nguyen
Dr. Elyse Salpeter
Dr. Taylor Wickware
Dr. Taylor Belk
Dr. Valérie Dufour
Dr. Jonathan Hirsch
Dr. Mary Landis
Dr. Michael Minaldi
Dr. Taylor Opgenorth
Dr. Alex Schenk
Dr. Erica Bono
Dr. Karen Fisher
Dr. William Irving
Dr. Geneviève Lavallée
Dr. Melanie Mironovich
Dr. Lauren Page
Dr. Elizabeth Soler
Dr. Jessica Burn
Dr. Jenelle Francis
Dr. Haley Jost
Dr. Paoul Martinez
Dr. Leah Moody
Dr. Benjamin Reynolds
Dr. Tara Stonex
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All Boarded Veterinary Ophthalmologists
Below you will find a button to the comprehensive list of living ACVO Boarded Diplomates. Some of these Diplomates may choose not to be members of ACVO, if this is the case that person's name will not show up in the online referral database searches on the website. Search for an ACVO Member.
Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Participation
Maintenance of Certification (MOC) establishes high standards for patient care in veterinary ophthalmology, equips diplomates with tools for lifelong learning and continuous practice improvement, and provides patients with a credible indicator of specialist quality. The ABVO encourages all diplomates to participate in MOC; however, this program is required only for diplomates certified on or after 2015. On this page each Diplomate is noted as either ‘Mandatory’, ‘Voluntary’, or ‘through XYZyear’. The latter means their certification is renewed through this year. If a diplomate is required to participate in MOC and has failed the requirement, their name will be removed from the boarded diplomate list and they are not allowed to call themselves an ophthalmologist or specialist in practice.